VOTE 2020 has launched! The link will take you to photos and bios of the participants.   The Cohort includes 16 students overall, including students from Wagner, Law and undergraduate programs. Students are working (virtually) for a wide range of organizations, including Mi Familia Vota, One Fair Wage, and the ACLU, and across a variety of states, including Texas, Michigan and Colorado.  Thank you so much for your support of VOTE 2020


Raised toward our $30,000 Goal
49 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on July 01, at 12:00 AM EDT
Project Owners


The 2020 elections are a critical opportunity to make a difference! But voting rights and access are under threat! VOTE 2020 will fund summer fellowships for undergraduate and graduate NYU students to work for voting rights and voter engagement organizations. VOTE 2020 is sponsored by Wagner Action for Social Justice, Equity, and Democracy (Wagner SEAD), which is a group of NYU Wagner faculty and staff dedicated to upholding and strengthening our democracy.  


Our goals are to:

  • Provide valuable opportunities to NYU undergraduate and graduate students who want to work in the 2020 elections but may not have the resources to do so.
  • Provide ways for other members of the NYU community (and their friends, family and colleagues) to contribute to the elections via an NYU-connected project.
  • Increase voter engagement in 2020! Research suggests voter engagement efforts can significantly increase turnout.





As we continue to navigate COVID-19, our commitment to democracy remains. Our team is working to develop remote options for the VOTE 2020 Fellowship and we encourage students to continue to express interest through our Student Questionnaire. All updates to the Fellowship will be shared promptly. 

Choose a giving level


Breakfast, lunch and dinner

This amount will cover breakfast, lunch and dinner for a hungry student!


One month of phone service

This amount will cover one month of a student's cell phone service.


One week of transportation

This amount will cover one week of a student's public transportation costs.


One day of student fellowship

This amount will cover one day of a student's summer fellowship.


One week of student fellowship

This amount will cover one week of a student's summer fellowship.

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