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NYU Tandon Motorsports 2018 - 2019

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
81 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 31, at 04:00 AM EST
Project Owners

NYU Tandon Motorsports 2018 - 2019

At NYU Tandon Motorsports we aim to do more than just push the boundaries of automotive technology; we hope to change the world around us by increasing interest in STEM and help bring women into engineering. With every donation, you bring us closer to our goal and allow us to have an even greater effect on the world around us.


We founded the team to compete in Baja SAE, where over 100 collegiate teams from around the world design and build an off-road vehicle to compete in a variety of events. We were founded in Fall 2016, and after overcoming eight grueling months of research, design and manufacturing, we competed in California the following April. Overall, we were one of the best first-year teams at the competition, however, our lack of experience caused us to not pass technical inspection and consequently we could not participate in the driving events.

The inaugural team at Baja SAE California, April 2017

Our team made a quick turnaround for the 2018 season. The new car was 200 pounds lighter, 20 inches shorter, took only a quarter of the time to manufacture, and was overall much better buttoned up. At the Maryland competition in April, after passing technical inspection for the first time, the team faced disaster when the car was nearly totaled following a double-forward roll down a hill. The capstone 4-hour endurance race was less than 17 hours away and we didn’t have the tools on hand to pull off that type of repair. Quickly brushing off the shock, the team whirred into action to try and gather replacement parts from other teams willing to help. From near obliteration, the car was fully functional again in a mere 5 hours. The next morning, our car made it through the entire endurance race.

Baja SAE Maryland, April 2018

A month later, in Oregon, we placed 57 out of 98, the best we’ve ever done.

Baja SAE Oregon, May 2018

Our team is made up of over 60 passionate students from a wide variety of backgrounds and majors: from Californian to Pakistani, Integrated Digital Media to Computer Engineering, our unique identities all contribute towards the eclectic experience of NYU Tandon Motorsports. Striving to put NYU Tandon on the radar among top engineering schools and creating a flagship true-to-industry hands on project, we collectively put thousands of hours into building the foundation of the team from the ground up. We represent the grit of New York City.


NYU Tandon Motorsports has also made a great impact on our members, giving them academic and professional opportunities not previously easily attainable otherwise. Our members have worked and interned at SpaceX, Tesla, Honda, Northrop Grumman, among others. Here’s what some members had to say about the project:


"To be able to apply the jumble of classroom concepts through Baja is something that makes me glad that I decided to become an engineer.” - Devlin, Drivetrain (Tandon ‘21)



“Baja helped me apply what I learned in school to create an awesome tangible project. It also gave me an opportunity for an amazing internship.” - Ethan, Brakes (Tandon ‘19)


“My two years with Baja, although stressful at times, gave me infinite happy memories that I’ll remember forever” - Rachel, Previous Head of Engineering & Driver (Tandon Alumni)



Icebreakers with the 2019 season team, September 2018

This year, we’re trying to do even better. With a new R&D branch on the team, a partnership with NYU’s Women in STEM initiative, and a revamped internal structure, the NYU Tandon Motorsports team is in a great place coming into the 2018-2019 season. We’re looking to crack top 20 at competition in Rochester and Tennessee Tech this year. It’s ambitious, but our exponential growth since our the inaugural year suggests we’ve got what it takes to be serious threat to teams with decades of experience under their belts. Our goals include further shaving off over 100 pounds, designing a custom gearbox, implementing electronic systems such as a driver display, and completing the car much earlier in order to have ample testing time to make more informed engineering decisions. 

Here is what our timeline looks like this year: 


As one can imagine, it takes a large amount of resources for NYU Tandon Motorsports to properly operate. We currently have a budget of $25,000 from our sponsors, but in order to take the next step in advancing the team's capabilities and group knowledge, we need a little more help. 

Here's the breakdown:

Our current funds can closely cover most subdivisions, but funds for Tennessee, Testing, Tools, and R&D are still missing. Our goal of $7,500 will help us get closer to bridging the gap, and we appreciate any amount you may be able to give. This additional funding will significantly help the team move out of its foundational stages.


We are incredibly proud of what we've built in just 2 short years, and we hope you choose to be a part of this journey too. From financial support to advising, or just one more mind thinking of us, we appreciate it all. Your donation brings us one step closer to the podium. Thank you!



Want to offer support in a different way, or questions about giving? Contact us at

Instagram: @nyutandonmotorsports


Our way
of Thanking You



A branded sticker with a thank you note

2 of 500 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: December 2018



A unique laser-cut keychain handmade by us in our MakerSpace, a branded sticker, and a thank you note.

18 of 100 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: December 2018



A branded T-shirt and sticker with a thank you note.

11 of 50 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: December 2018



A 3D print of our new chassis design, a branded sticker, and a handwritten thank you note.

10 of 15 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2019



A dedicated name sticker on a panel of the car, a handwritten thank you note plus all previous tiers. The name sticker will be placed upon completion of the car.

8 of 10 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2019



A personalized day tour and run-down of our car upon completion in April 2019, a handwritten thank you note plus all previous tiers.

2 of 5 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2019
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