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Nevermind the Noise Residency Program

The letters N, V, M, T, N forms a skyline with text below saying '22 residency program
Raised toward our $1,500 Goal
23 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 07, at 03:00 AM EST
Project Owners

Nevermind The Noise - Residency Program

Nevermind The Noise is committed to supporting its members and performers within our community through collaborative projects. The Residency Program will pair Nevermind The Noise composers with two celebrated ensembles of varying instrumentation. The composers and performers will work closely to create new compositions to be showcased in the spring of 2022.


Like so many communities around the globe, we are still jumping through hoops in response to COVID-19 protocols. Performances, commissions, and musicians’ daily lives are not nearly back to normal. Despite these challenges, musicians must perform and composers must write. The financial support we receive will be used to organize a series of workshops and digital performances that will directly support the education of the composers in our collective and will be viewable for the public. 


This project helps keep new music alive at Steinhardt. Steinhardt is brimming with a collaborative spirit and Nevermind The Noise is committed to maintaining this energy. This project promotes the work of NYU composers while continuing the growth of this artistic community.

Choose a giving level


Noisy Supporter

Your gift is directly supporting our collaborations this fall. Thanks for your part in keeping our collective active this year! Look for a special shoutout in our digital program and live stream of our new works in early 2021!


Noisy Friend

Your gift is directly supporting our collaborations this fall. Thanks for your part in keeping our collective active this year! Look for a special shoutout in our digital program and live stream of our new works in early 2021!


Noisy Patron

Your gift is directly supporting our collaborations this fall. Thanks for your part in keeping our collective active this year! Look for a special shoutout in our digital program and live stream of our new works in early 2021!


Noisy Hero

You're making a lot of noise with this donation level and we can't thank you enough! Your gift is directly supporting our collaborations this fall. ** This level qualifies you for a front-row seat! Receive streaming links before the performance date and attend a Q&A with the composers! **


Fund a workshop!

With your $100 donation, we can fund workshops with the performers allowing the composers to have exposure to the intricacies of each instrument. These more personalized sessions with performers provide invaluable information for our composers! ** This level qualifies you for a front-row seat! Receive streaming links before the performance date and attend a Q&A with the composers! **


Fund a collaboration!

Your donation of $1000 funds an entire collaboration that we will work with during the 2021-2022 season! ** This level qualifies you for a front-row seat! Receive streaming links before the performance date and attend a Q&A with the composers! **

Our Crowdfunding Groups