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NYU Student Emergency Fund 2022-2023

Provide financial support for NYU students when they need assistance with unexpected, unforeseen, and unavoidable emergency expenses.

Support NYU Students

Unforeseen emergencies arise when we least expect them—for NYU students, unavoidable emergency expenses can jeopardize their ability to continue their studies or pay for tuition.

Your gift to the NYU Student Emergency Fund provides critical support to students with emergency expenses surrounding accidents, illness, death of a family member, fire damage or need for immediate short-term housing. 

Your gift can support:

  • Medications and other costs related to emergency medical care.
  • Books, remote learning technology needs, and other essential academic expenses.
  • In partnership with the Courtesy Meals program, ensuring food security and nutrition
  • Critical personal safety needs
  • Replacement of essential personal belongings due to fire, theft, or natural disaster.
  • Travel costs related to a death or illness of a family member

100% of your gift will be put to use immediately to benefit students. Please consider making a gift of any size to help bridge the gap for students in need.

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