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InternationalVolunteerHQ_Esther Phambu

Raised toward our $1,500 Goal
3 Donors
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Project ended on May 31, at 07:11 PM EDT
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One Week Until Vietnam!!!!!!

December 30, 2016

And the countdown starts now! In one week I will be boarding a flight to Ho Chi Minh City with NYU's Alternative Break & IVHQ focusing on food justice.

Moving to NYC over a year and a half ago has allowed me to expand my love of helping others into actively taking action and exploring my role in social justice. Since my first step on the NYU campus(literally), I've been actively involved in Project Outreach, initially a week-long pre-college experience for incoming freshman exposing them to different social justice issues and community service opportunities in NYC. That week-long commitment personally turned into a year-long commitment and before I knew it, I was mentoring my second year. Over this period of time, I've explored numerous social justice issues especially focusing on food, homelessness, and education. After many years of community service to my Nashville community, then taking my passion to NYC, I have decided that I wanted to take that passion abroad as well.

I had the opportunity to be chosen to go to Vietnam with NYU's Alternative Break focusing on food justice as my social justice issue. We will be volunteering with IVHQ. During my week in Ho Chi Minh City, I will help provide up to 500 lunches daily to people from various backgrounds including poor elderly, low-income earners, disabled, poor students and children. Social justice is my passion and being able to reach different communities on an international level is my dream. The whole trip will cost me out of pocket, about $1500 with the airplane ticket being a little over $1000. NYUAB books the tickets and volunteering experience, but I will be paying them back the total cost after I get back from the trip. I’d love it if you can help me out & support me! Even if it's a dollar or a penny! I will be documenting my trip, which takes place the second week of January, and posting it (#EstherInVietnam) for everyone to follow! I am so excited and I hope you are too! 

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