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NYU NSBE Convention 2023-2024

Raised toward our $35,000 Goal
49 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 24, at 03:00 AM EDT
Project Owners
Choose a giving level


Bronze Sponsor

Donation of $25


Silver Sponsor - 1

Donation of $40 will receive a NYU NSBE Mission Statement hoodie. Link to the general merch customization form:


Silver Sponsor - 2

Donation of $50 will receive a NYU NSBE Mission Statement hoodie with customization. Link to the general merch customization form:


Gold Sponsor

Donations of $100 or more


Platinum - Registration

For donations of $200 or more


Platinum - Hotel

Donations of $250 or more


Platinum - Transportation

For donations of $300 or more

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