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Autonomously clean NYU! (CTR 24)

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
0 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 11, at 03:00 AM EDT
Project Owners
Choose a giving level


Bronze Supporter!

Give a gift of $10 or more and receive a handwritten thank-you note from the CTR Team and tickets to all fireside chats!


Silver Sponsor!

Give a gift of $25 or more and receive a laser cut keychain of our Team Logo, as well as all items from the previous perks.


Gold Sponsor!

Give a gift of $100 or more and be listed as an individual sponsor for the event on our website, as well as all items from the previous perks.


Thank You Plaque!

Give a gift of $200 or more and receive a laser engraved Thank You plaque, as well as all items from the previous perks.


Superstar Team Sponsor!

Give a gift of $1000 or more and become a Team Sponsor! Your gift will sponsor an outreach event! Your name, organization, or company name will be placed on the CTR's website, on the robot as a sticker, and on our t-shirts, as well as all items from the previous perks.

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